Thanks to sfgirlbybay for her post on Trixie Delicious’ reworked vintage china from New Zealand. My plate purchase arrived today and I so love it! Edgy conversation pieces to say the least. Check out her blog and her Etsy site. I think I'll bake some brownies for my new plate.
These photos are from one of my many road adventures to Arizona and my time spent at Big Mountain, Navajo reservation Black Mesa, Arizona, truly sacred land. Celebrate Earth Day everyday and try reduce your carbon footprint anyway you can, the time is now!
It was a cold and rainy night in Venice, CA back in 1977. A group of friends and fellow co-workers at New West magazine (a short-lived sister publication to New York magazine) were off to the Warhol opening at the Ace Gallery in Venice. We were quite the arty brat pack back then bouncing from art openings to movie screenings and working all hours of the night designing and putting out a bi-monthly magazine. Arriving late to the gallery feeling no pain (okay, so it was the late 70s!) there was a crush of people in the gallery space and at the end of the room was a tall white luminous figure with a platinum blonde wig slightly askew and a very tall Native American man at a table signing giant posters of the show. When I got to the table to buy my 2 posters for $10, the pale to the point of being translucent Andy Warhol shook my hand, thanked us for coming and signed the posters along with Russell Means. I was thrilled to have met him and actually have something of his signed. That poster (I gave the other to my parents) moved around with me for over twenty years in a big cardboard tube because it was so big I couldn't afford to justify spending $500 to frame it. It finally got framed and hangs proudly in my living room, an homage to times long past.
While tooling around the internet this morning I found this delightful and imaginative young french artist, Lyndie Dourthe. While I may be able to stumble through reading a menu in French, a website is another story. From what I can gather, she works in paper and cloth and makes jewelry and sculptures like the heart encased in a bell jar shown above. I love her work, it's chic and at the same time disturbing, an obvious theme in artworks I admire. I did find her little brooches (seen above in boxes) at Egg Merchantile in Amsterdam.
A big thank you and shout out to Jon over at Happy Mundane for educating me about this artist, Joshua Allen Harris. He makes these animals (Air Bear shown above) out of discarded plastic bags, ties them to subway ventilation grates and when the subway speeds by they fill with air and dance around. When the train passes and they deflate, it most unsettling and slightly creepy but fantastic at the same time. How resourceful and imaginative! You must watch the video to get the full effect.